Participative Journal: Community Service journal <p><strong>Participative Journal</strong>: Community Service Journal is <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">focused</a> on publishing the scientific work of students, lecturers and other researchers in community service activities based on the Participative Action Research (PAR) approach, the Community-Based Participatory Research (CBRPR) approach or the Service-Learning (SL) approach. The scope of the study covers the fields of education, socio-culture, religion, economics, informatics, and technology. </p> <p>This journal is published periodically biannually. Authors should read the <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">author’s guidelines</a> and agree to the <a href="">copyright and license</a> terms before <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">submitting</a> the articles. Participative Journal is <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">open access</a> journal for anyone in the context of sharing research knowledge globally.</p> <p><br /><a href="" rel="license"><img src="" alt="Creative Commons License" /></a><br />Participative Journal is licensed under a <a href="" rel="license">Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License</a>.</p> State Islamic University of Mataram en-US Participative Journal: Community Service journal 2776-5954 <p><strong>License</strong></p> <p>This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of <a href="" rel="license">Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License</a></p> <p> </p> Efforts to preserve the Sasak culture through Bale Sangkep at Barabali Village <p>The culture in Lombok cannot be separated from influences from Java and Bali. The service is carried out as a form of participation in the introduction and preservation of culture in Barabali Village. One of the efforts made to facilitate the preservation of culture in the village of Barabali is the establishment of Bale Sangkep. This building is used as a place to hold village meetings and traditional schools. Traditional schools teach the community, especially the younger generation, the Sanskrit language, sasak songs, and the Merariq tradition that applies in Barabali Village. The regular use of Bale Sangkep begins in 2020. With this Bale Sangkep, the younger generation can better understand the traditions that exist in society. Based on the interviews and activity participation at Bale Sangkep, efforts that can be made to preserve the customs that have been handed down from the ancestors include: 1) traditional schools, 2) use of Bale Sangkep, 3) active participation of the community, 4) development of insight, 5 ) application in daily life, 6) collaboration between generations, and 7) respect for cultural figures..</p> Raehanah Raehanah Esa Susilawati Dendi Rahman Budiman Copyright (c) 2023 Raehanah Raehanah, Esa Susilawati, Dendi Rahman Budiman 2023-10-28 2023-10-28 3 2 1 9 10.55099/participative.v3i2.109 Program of pesantren kilat is an effort to increase understanding of the Islamic religion for children <p>Studying religious knowledge is very important for Muslims. Because studying religious knowledge can get two benefits at once, namely the advantage of understanding the world with the guidelines of Islamic teachings as well as a promise from Allah SWT for students of knowledge will get the best place in heaven. The Lightning Islamic Boarding School is an educational program created by young people at the Aqoidul Iman Sukarema Mosque while also working with KKP UIN Mataram students whose main goal in this program is to cultivate, improve, provide understanding, knowledge and teachings of the Islamic religion in the educational space of the Islamic boarding school system within a certain period of time. The Lightning Islamic Boarding School was created as a flagship program for KKP UIN Mataram students by guiding and teaching Sukarema village children in learning religious knowledge in a concise yet easy to understand way. Producing intelligent successors to science as well as actualizing it in life. The Lightning Islamic Boarding School program is important to increase the enthusiasm of the children in Sukarema Village for motivation in studying religion and at the same time increasing worship every day.</p> Wahyu Trisno Aji Copyright (c) 2023 Wahyu Trisno Aji 2023-10-28 2023-10-28 3 2 20 42 10.55099/participative.v3i2.98 Assistance to PAUD Institutions in Bugis Village, Bima Regency During the Pandemic: Teaching and Learning Activities and Socialization of Covid-19 <p>The emergence of the Covid-19 pandemic has had a very significant impact on people's lives, including the implementation of early childhood education. This service was initiated because of the condition of the people who were very confused with a learning system that was very different from the normal conditions that had been carried out so far, so there was a need for assistance, both for teachers at school and for parents who were at home because the learning system used the learning system from house. The method used consists of several stages, namely: initial survey/observation, visiting residents' homes to socialize activities, implementing community service, consultation and learning at school and at home, and evaluation. The results of the service show that teachers in early childhood institutions are greatly assisted by the presence of students who carry out community service by assisting in the implementation of learning, socialization of healthy living during a pandemic, and assistance to parents to ensure that the implementation of learning at home runs smoothly as expected by the teacher.</p> Muammar Qadafi Neneng Agustiningsih Nuralisa Ida Nurwahidah Meysa Febiyanti Copyright (c) 2023 Muammar Qadafi, Neneng Agustiningsih, Nuralisa, Ida Nurwahidah, Meysa Febiyanti 2023-10-28 2023-10-28 3 2 10 19 10.55099/participative.v3i2.76 Revitalizing the Role of the Guidance and Counseling Unit in Encouraging the Self-Development of Santri at the Ulumul Quran Sumedang Islamic Boarding School <p>In the teenage phase of students, a number of problems often arise, this cannot be separated from changes within themselves and also the environmental factors that raise them. The aim of service is to increase the knowledge, understanding and abilities of Islamic boarding school supervisors and counselors in providing developmental guidance and counseling services based on Islamic teaching values to Islamic boarding school students by this community service chooses a service learning model, where those involved include: students taking courses in developmental counseling courses, lecturers in developmental counseling courses, school counseling guidance service units, supervisors and caregivers of students as well as students in Islamic boarding schools. The findings: there are still quite a lot of students whose moral intelligence is categorized as vulnerable/problematic, identified by their inner voice being less sharp so they are confused about distinguishing right from wrong, sensitivity to doing good things, less able to avoid wrongdoing, alternative abilities best behavior in situations of bad choices. Counseling training provided to madrasah and Islamic boarding school caregivers includes material on moral intelligence and good counseling methods through lectures, discussions and simulations. Simulations are also provided involving students who have also been equipped with counseling skills.</p> Hajir Tajiri Lilis Satriah Copyright (c) 2023 Hajir Tajiri, Lilis Satriah 2023-10-28 2023-10-28 3 2 54 75 10.55099/participative.v3i2.114 The Importance Of Marriage The Importance Of Marriage Isbat And The Prevention Of Early Marriage In Sedau Village, Narmada West <p>The purpose of this article is to explain the importance of marriage isbat and the prevention of child marriage in Sedau Village, Narmada District, West Lombok Regency. The method used is the method of distributing information through socialization and action by collecting data on the marriage certificate. The results of the research conducted show that there are still many people in Sedau Village who do not have a marriage book or whose marriage has not been registered with the KUA. In addition, there are still many cases of early marriage in Sedau Village, which are influenced by several factors, including low education, economic, environmental, and other factors. As a result, maximum efforts from all elements of society—both parents, the environment, religious leaders, and especially village policies—are required to overcome problems associated with early marriage.</p> Muhammad Fahrurrozi Husnul Hatimah Fidiawati Fidiawati Nanda Rizky Aulia Copyright (c) 2023 Muhammad Fahrurrozi 2023-10-28 2023-10-28 3 2 43 53 10.55099/participative.v3i2.110